Job hazard Analysis

Job Hazard Analysis Hello there, welcome to December. This is Goke Akingbade ( your Safety Guide) here with another interesting topic to dwell on. We will discussing about a very important aspect on occupational health and safety. If the operational activities of your organization put your employees at risk or exposed them to hazardous Job tasks, then you need to conduct Risk assessment of the work. One Risk assessment tool is a Job Hazard Analysis. A job hazard analysis is a risk assessment tool that screens job tasks by breaking the work into key steps, identify potential hazards and prefer safe work procedures to control risk that is associated with the inherent hazards. Any non routine work that poses high risk, any task that can lead to worker injury or illness, any hot work task need a job hazard analysis to be conducted before embarking on it. You can get information about such job task from your accident reports and workers compensation claims. Any job task that has the...