Hello there, this is Goke Akingbade( your Safety guide). In this day and age we are in, it won't take you long below you see a guy or a lady driving his or her car and simultaneously making a phone call or receiving one while he or she is on the steering wheel. Others go to extent of texting while driving. We live in the era of android tablets, IPads. Smart phones and even Smart TV'S etc. We are constantly being bombarded with a lot of information which we assume we must respond to immediately. It's important that we choose not to neglect the fact that life ought to be lived one day at a time. The danger involved with giving one's attention to two or three task at a time or what is commonly referred to as multitasking is that it tends to gradually shift one's focus away from one's external environment. It is until an automobile accident occurs that the victim gets back to focus on the reality of the risk associated with multitasking. Multitasking in this...