Behavior can be defined as any directly measurable thing that a person does, including speaking, acting, and performing physical functions.  It is basically what you do as a result of attitudes developed overtime. For instance driving a car, writing a poem, singing are all acts done as a result of a specific behavioral pattern. Human behavior can be observed and is also measurable, therefore behavior can be managed.                                                                   People work a certain way or perform their job task based on the way they behave.                                                                                                                                                          Even though implementing safety programs is good, I believe more emphasis ought to be placed on finding out why employees work a certain way. Are the safety and health programs having a long term positive impact on the mindsets of employees towards working safely?  Implementing change in organizations requires that management tap into the vast, underutilized talents of the people within the organization.  In order to do that, management needs to understand the forces that drive human behavior.
             The three forces are: Activators, Competencies, and Consequences.

Ø  Activators precede behavior.  If activators are effective then they get the right behaviors started.
Ø  Competencies are the skills and abilities that people possess now or will need to posses in order to perform the desired functions.  Competencies are demonstrated on the job in the form of behaviors.
Ø  Consequences are the most powerful force.  The consequences of a person’s actions determine whether he or she will continue or increase the desired behavior or discontinue or decrease it. 
Ø  The challenge is to use consequences in a strategic and honest way in order to create a win/win situation for everyone, not a win/win for some and a win/lose situation for others.

          WHY SAFETY PROGRAMS DON’T WORK.                                                                                                   (1)Safety is a priority and not a value.                                                                                                                 
(2)Safety is not driven through continuous improvement.                                                                                                                                                                 
(3) Safety is not managed in the same manner as production, quality, and cost issues.
Behaviour-Based Safety also commonly known as BBS for short is a scientific way to understand why people behave the way they do when it comes to safety. If properly applied, is an effective next step towards creating a truly pro-active safety culture where loss prevention is a core value.

Till I come your way again we will discuss on the benefits of implementing Behavior-Based Safety.





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